Visual Studio App Center Pricing | Visual Studio2024-08-27T10:02:40-07:00

We’ve made App Center available for all

Our generous free tier enables you to ship 5-star, higher-quality iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS apps faster and with confidence.

Service Availability Free Tier
Build Objective-C, Swift, Java, .NET MAUI (C#), and React Native in the cloud
feature available 240 build minutes per month
Up to 30-min per build
Automate UI tests on thousands of real devices
feature available Free 30 day trial
Send your apps to your beta testers and app stores instantly
feature available Unlimited distributions
Unlimited users
Gain insights into your audience and app usage
feature available All features included
Crash reporting
Monitor your app health with real-time crash reports
feature available All features included

Pay as your app grows

Visual Studio App Center’s pricing is flexible, enabling you to choose
and integrate just the services you need. Upgrade now.

Frequently asked questions

A build concurrency is the number of builds that can run in parallel at any given time. When additional builds are triggered, they are queued and will wait for the previous one to complete.

A test device concurrency determines the number of devices you can use simultaneously. For example, with 5 concurrent devices you can test 5 different device configurations in the same amount of time it would normally take to test 1.

We measure usage in device hours, which is a calculation of all activities on a device initiated by your test. For example, a 12–minute test suite run on 5 device configurations will consume 60 minutes, or 1 device hour. Time spent downloading apps, processing screenshots, and generating test reports does not count as billable time.

For 30 days, you will be able to test your app on more than 450 device configurations. With the trial, you can test your app on 1 test device concurrency with unlimited device hours.
