Visual Studio Dev Essentials2025-03-05T10:43:10-08:00

Visual Studio Dev Essentials

Free tools, cloud services, and training using the latest Visual Studio

Everything you need all in one place

Get everything you need to build and deploy your app on any platform. With state-of-the-art tools, the power of the cloud, training, and support, it’s our most comprehensive free developer program ever.

All the tools you need

Tools to develop for any platform – for free. Tools include an extensible integrated development environment and code editors to create apps for macOS, Linux, and Windows, on PC or Mac.

  • Visual Studio Community
  • Visual Studio Code
  • CODE Magazine*
  • Pluralsight*
  • Syncfusion Succinctly Series*

Comprehensive set of cloud services

Free access to cloud services such as compute and storage, backend services for your mobile or web apps, services for IoT, machine learning, and analytics.

  • Azure Free Account – includes 1 year of free services and $200 credit for the 1st month
  • Azure DevOps
  • Microsoft 365 Developer Program
  • Power Apps Community Plan

Software trials and downloads

Free access to software trials and downloads make it easy for you to develop for multiple platforms.

  • SQL Server Developer Edition
  • Power BI
  • Office Online
  • Syncfusion Bold BI Cloud Edition*

* Exclusive benefits only available through the Visual Studio Dev Essentials program.
