Modern web tooling
The latest Visual Studio has the open tools and flexibility you need to create and deploy modern web applications

ASP.NET…and more
Develop for the web with ASP.NET, Node.js, Python, or JavaScript
Move between languages and project types with ease using the best editor for HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript in the world. Tap into the power of LESS and SASS, so front-end developers can join in the fun.
Software containers
Build, debug, test, and deploy software containers
Create and deploy your applications with confidence using Visual Studio’s container development tools. Build Docker images containing all your application’s dependencies, making it easy to run applications on a wide range of services in Azure or other container hosts.

Many platforms
ASP.NET Core and .NET Core run on Windows, Mac, and Linux
Write your web applications and services with ASP.NET Core using Visual Studio. Deploy to any web server, or graduate to cloud scale in Microsoft Azure. If you like, code in your editor and OS of choice with
Web frameworks
Angular, jQuery, Bootstrap, Django, Backbone.js, and Express
Increase productivity with powerful web frameworks. Visual Studio includes IntelliSense for your client-side JavaScript and also lights up with advanced support for today’s most popular web frameworks like Angular and Bootstrap.

Open source
ASP.NET and .NET Core are Apache-and-MIT-licensed code on GitHub
Found a bug or got a new idea? Open an issue or send a pull request. All of the ASP.NET and .NET Core CLR runtime components and the Azure SDKs for any language are available on GitHub and taking contributions.
Package managers
LibMan, NuGet, npm
Join the Open Web and pull in libraries from all over. NuGet offers rich .NET server-side libraries, Library Manager (LibMan) the lightweight client-side library acquisition tool allows you to get just the files that you need from popular framework and library packages, and npm pulls in great tools and utilities.

Extensible ecosystem
Extend Visual Studio, explore our community, and make it your own!
Customize Visual Studio by leveraging the thousands of extensions available from the constantly growing ecosystem or even build your own.
Cloud scale
Deploy to any host; scale to the cloud
Visual Studio includes integrated tools to deploy your web application to any host or scale to the Microsoft Azure cloud. Publish and manage your websites and virtual machines from within Visual Studio.

The best code editor
All in one place with a world-class IDE
Write, edit, explore, debug, test, and deploy code in Visual Studio. Manage your source; track your bugs and work items in Azure DevOps or Team Foundation Server (TFS). Work with the Git repo of your choice, including those in GitHub. Get unprecedented insight into your code with CodeLens, putting everything you need to know into a single line.
The best debugger
All in one place with a world-class IDE
Identify issues in your C#, JavaScript, Node.js, Python, or any other Visual Studio-supported language using the world-class debugger. Diagnose bugs locally or remotely, in any browser, or in the cloud. Take advantage of advanced breakpoint configuration for fine-grained execution control, and flexibly inspect state through the many views in Visual Studio.